Love is Like a Box of Chocolates

We’re talking about love today, in honor of our monthly theme of love, and Valentine’s[…]

The Martin We Know and Might Have Known

As is often the case with people who are known publicly, there is the side[…]

Remembering: Those Who Have Gone Before Us in 2023

The year began with the House Speaker votes being taken over and over, with the[…]

The Wonder of Incarnation

On a recent Christmas Eve morning, writer Vance Morgan noticed that a Facebook friend had[…]

Solstice Darkness

Today we’re celebrating Winter Solstice, so I thought we’d start with two fun Solstice-themed tidbits….one[…]

Religious Freedom

First reading From the U.S Constitution Amendment I Congress shall make no law respecting an[…]

Does Church Risk Change?

In the course of preparation for a Sunday morning reflection, such as the one you’re[…]

The Road to Character

The earliest life lesson on character that I can recall began when I was 10[…]

Finding Francis

If you were to go to the town of Assisi, you would probably go to[…]

Reflecting Pool

Stepping Stones (or Railway Cars) into Our Future: July 30, 2023 Earlier this summer was[…]