Returning to Reprisal

A couple of weeks ago we explored the topic of reprisal, retaliation. After the reflection, if you’ll remember, there[…]

Rethinking Reprisal

We’ve all heard the term practice what you preach.   One of the blessings of being a preacher is[…]

One Year Later: Creating Our Future

It seems hard to believe that 13 months have passed since I began my ministry with you. It seems[…]

Living With Uncertainty

Some of you might remember the job I did before I came to you was as a therapist for[…]

Mister Rogers’ Guide to Loving Thy (challenging) Neighbor

You might’ve seen in our last couple of newsletters that Lisa and I were hosting a movie night at[…]

No Guarantees, Just Promises

Yesterday several of us from NCC were at Miller Park as part of our 2024 Pride celebration. Fun and[…]

From Dandelions to Daisies: Celebrating Flower Communion

  The Flower Communion service which we celebrate today has been a tradition for over a century, and is[…]

To Savor or to Save the World?

  Many of us come from very divergent ethnic backgrounds.  Within our own lives and bodies we become a[…]

Check out our Newsletter Archive!

In this Community, we experience encouragement in our spiritual journey and growth through on-going study and dialogue. Interested in digging deeper? Check out our Newsletter Archive for past reflections!