Our Beliefs & Values

You are welcome at New Covenant Community!

Our purpose is to continue in our time what Jesus began in his – working for the healing of our world as an inclusive, compassionate, joyful community.

Belief Statement

Early in our life as a Community, we began a dialogue about what we believe.  We did not want simply to repeat creeds written many centuries ago by people living in worlds different from our own.  This is our consensus statement.

This statement expresses what holds us together as an ecumenical faith community. We are people who experience doubt and questioning as a positive part of the journey of faith, and we do not presume to have final answers. Our statement is a “work in progress.”

When we use the word “God,” we refer to the Mystery in which our days are set, a Mystery which moves us to awe. We experience God as a presence at the center of our being and of all creation–a power and love our logic cannot define or our spirits deny.

We also see God through the window of Jesus, a human being like us, who showed us how to put God’s love to work in our world. When we affirm the worth of others, minister to their needs, and participate in their struggle for wholeness and justice, we believe that we are following him.

In this Community, we experience encouragement in our spiritual journey and growth through on-going study and dialogue. We worship around a table that reminds us of Jesus’ invitation to strangers to become a new community–a community in which we all become ministers to each other, to our world, and in particular to local institutions of higher learning.

Grateful as we are for our faith community, we believe that God is also known among people of other faiths and cultures.

We strive to live out our faith in affirmation of the dignity of every person, and in the quest for peace, justice, and the integrity of creation. We are an open and affirming community.

Finally, we look forward to the day when all persons will know themselves as part of one human community, doing God’s work and witnessing to God’s love and power.

We are a Member Congregation of ProgressiveChristianity.org

More Light/Open & Affirming

Open and affirming congregations logo
More light Presbyterians logo

We the people of New Covenant Community, warmly welcome all who wish to share our spiritual journey as followers of Christ.  In light of current controversies within the churches, we intend by this Resolution to make explicit our welcome to all persons without regard to sexual orientation.  This welcome includes our readiness to elect persons to all leadership offices within the congregation without regard to sexual orientation.  We therefore publicly identify ourselves with others making similar declarations in the denominations of which we are a part, namely, “More Light” congregations of the Presbyterian Church (USA), and “Open and Affirming” congregations of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and the United Church of Christ.